David Steinberg: A Study in Contrasts: Darkness and Light, Age and Youth

Skrevet av: David Steinberg

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© David Steinberg

I was especially interested in documenting Ray, whose work is an ongoing testimonial to the darker sides of BDSM sex, and who I know to be an intriguing combination of fierce and gentle, harsh and loving.

I became good friends with sex photographer and filmmaker Ray Horsch in 2003. My book, Photo Sex, and his books, Eroto~, Volumes 1 and 2, had just been published simultaneously and he and I, together with sex photographer Barbara Nitke, organized a joint book promotion event at a BDSM club in Philadelphia. I had known of Ray’s darkly beautiful and powerful work for years, and had arranged for him to publish some of his images in Cupido as well, but it was only in 2003 that I got to know him p...

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