David Steinberg: An Extra Bit of Vacation Fun

Skrevet av: David Steinberg

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© David Steinberg

Sam and Kate decided that doing a sexual photo shoot was the perfect final thing for them to do before returning home. I was living in Santa Cruz then (about an hour south of San Francisco), but I was happy to pick them up, drive them back to my home, and photograph them there.

Way back in 2006, Sam was in San Francisco on vacation, staying with mutual friends on his way back to his home in the American Southwest. Somehow the topic of my couples photography came up, and I showed him some of my images, which he was enthusiastic about. When he explained that his girlfriend was about to come to San Francisco as well I asked if they might be interested in being photographed.

Long story short is that Sam and Kate decided that doing a sexual photo shoot was the perfect f...

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