David Steinberg: Joy, Joy, Joy!

Skrevet av: David Steinberg

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Laurel and Bruce
Laurel and Bruce | © David Steinberg

They came striding up out of the crowd at the San Francisco Erotic Art Show in 2012, with full, eager smiles on their faces. “We want you to photograph us!” Laurel declared. “Now, how do we go about doing that?”

I’m often asked where I find subjects for my couples photography. Although I began by photographing friends (and then friends of friends), as my work became published, and shown in a variety of erotic art shows, I began to get requests from couples I did not know beforehand. Now one of the most frequent ways I find new subjects is when I’m talking about my work with people at an art .

Often a couple asks how I find my subjects. I always respond in the same way. I say, “Well, many are people j...

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