David Steinberg: Traveling to Canada for a Photo Shoot

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© David Steinberg

As the agent left to go through the contents of my car I was well aware that I had with me numerous copies of Cupido -- including any number of my sexual photographs – as well as copies of my edited book, Erotic by Nature, a collection of artful erotic and sexual photographs taken by a wide range of photographers. Was this going to be a problem?

I met Jim and Jennifer through the wonderful sex-positive community in Seattle, Washington – the people who produce the annual Seattle Erotic Art Festival that I admire so much. As are so many of the people I know in Seattle, Jim and Jennifer were long connectd with each other, as well as with other partners, in delightfully polyamorous relationships. When I suggested that I do a sexual photo shoot with them, they were immediately interested.

Although active in the Seattle community, Jennifer...

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