David Steinberg: Reconnecting with a Favorite Subject

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© David Steinberg

Denise and I met prior to the shoot, an opportunity for Denise and I to get to know each other, and for me to answer any questions Denise might have about the shoot. This is important, as the energy of my photographs depends on a fundamental feeling of trust between subject and photographer...

In 2009, while in Seattle for the annual Seattle Erotic Art Festival, I ran into William, one of my favorite photographic subjects. Three years earlier I had photographed William on two separate occasions with his partner, Susan – delightful shoots that I have posted in earlier portfolios (26 August 2020 and 29 January 2021). William informed me that he and Susan had gone separate ways, but that his new partner, Denise, was excited about the possibility of my photographing the two of them as...

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