David Steinberg: Visitors from France

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© David Steinberg

“Sorry to call so early,” she began in her delightful singsong voice, “but Beth and I have two friends visiting from France who are big fans of your couples work and would love to be photographed by you while they’re in town. They are wonderful people! Very fun and sexy. Are you interested?”

I was pleased, early one Sunday morning, to get a phone call from my longtime friend Annie Sprinkle. Annie, as many readers may know, is a brilliant performance artist, photographer, ecosexual activist, one-time porn actress, and one-time sex worker. She is also a magnificently kind, generous, loving soul – a true gift to the planet.

“Sorry to call so early,” she began in her delightful singsong voice, “but Beth and I have two friends visiting from France who are big fans of your couples wor...

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